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Gin is popular, no question about it. And gin can taste so different. If you want to try different types of gin, you have different options: you can book a professional gin tasting or organize a tasting yourself at home.

Find out now what you should pay attention to when organizing your own gin tasting!

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Reading time approx. 2:30 min

Book a gin tasting or organize it yourself?

Gin tastings by professionals are offered in bars or distilleries on site or virtually. You usually get a tasting package with all the necessary ingredients sent to your home and are guided through the tasting via video call. Here you have instructions from a professional, but are less flexible in how you carry it out.

If you want to host the gin tasting yourself at home, the event can run according to your ideas and it is a bit more personal if only friends are there. Of course, it takes more effort, but it can be worth it - and we'll show you which ingredients will make everything go smoothly.

Preparation for gin tasting at home

The most important part of gin tasting is, of course, gin. Decide in advance how many and which types you want. Professionals recommend trying around five to six different gins in one evening. Even if there are many more to choose from, if there are too many, it becomes increasingly difficult to identify the individual aromas.

The next question is whether you want to taste gin neat or do a gin and tonic tasting, for example. That is also possible, but the individual components of the gin can be tasted better when it is drunk neat. If you decide on gin and tonic, you can always choose the same tonic or vary it. It is exciting to see which gin goes well with which tonic - a good basis for discussing things together.


We have selected the best tonic water for you here !

Selection of gin for tasting at home

In order to test different flavors, it is of course advisable to plan on trying different gins. However, professionals recommend choosing at least one gin that you already know or like. This gives you a reference point for the taste and makes it easier for you to describe the gin and identify differences to other varieties.

Otherwise, you have free rein in your choice: perhaps you mix juniper-based gins with those that have a stronger citrus note? There are now many gins with different unique selling points, choose here what you would like to serve at your tasting.


But how can you keep track of the huge selection of different types of gin? That's why we've selected the most popular types of gin for you here .

Gin tasting at home: What you need

Once you have the gin, all you need is a few more ingredients. Tasting glasses are important; there are special tasting glasses that you can buy for this occasion. Alternatively, you can also choose other suitable glasses that hold around 2 to 4 cl.

You should also provide water for rinsing and white bread for neutralizing. So that you can record your impressions, each participant is given a pen and a piece of paper. If you, as the organizer of the gin tasting, want to score particularly well, you can also look up background information on the individual gins in advance - but this is optional.


We have already written an article about the most important gin glasses here . Feel free to take a look!

How to taste gin with friends

You are of course free to organize a private gin tasting. But the following tips will help you with the process: Once the first gin has been served, you can first examine the appearance. This is followed by what is known as nosing: you swirl the gin around in the glass and take in the aromas with your nose. Who smells what here? Feel free to share your impressions.

Then you can taste it: take a small sip of gin and hold it on your tongue. This way you can feel the different aromas and find out what strength is in each one. When you swallow, you can also test the "finish": what feeling does the gin leave in your mouth?

After a gin has been tested, you record your impressions. Of course, you can have an extensive discussion and talk shop together. You can also set criteria for the notes in advance, which each participant enters. There are also special forms on the Internet - or you can simply write down your findings about the respective gin.

Water and white bread follow to neutralize, then the next gin goes into the glass. In order to continue to be able to taste all the aromas, a break after two or three gins is helpful. Once you have tried all the gins, you can choose the favorite of the evening - and if you like, you can treat yourself to a sip of the winning drink at the end.

Do you already know all the flavors in gin?

It can be difficult at first to be able to distinguish and name the different flavors. It is therefore a good idea to find out about the different aromas beforehand. To be optimally prepared for your next gin tasting, we will show you the aromas in gin here .

... Or go to the overview to learn more about the gin!